Monday, January 14, 2013

# Critical Job Interview Mistake 04 - Being Unprepared for Interview Questions

There are two important elements to a job interview - The first is the questions
that the interviewer asks of you, and the second is the questions that you ask of the interviewer in return. If you are unable to properly articulate the right answers to the interview questions that are asked of you, you will most certainly have difficulty conveying the fact that you are the ideal candidate for the position to the person who is interviewing you.
The best way for you to avoid this practice is to think about your answers and to
prepare them beforehand. There are many resources for common job interview
questions, and most employers within different industries ask the same
questions or at least similar sets of relevant questions which means that you can
be prepared to a certain degree no matter what job you are applying for.

Prepare your answers to the most common job interview questions within your
industry long before your interview. What questions are most likely going to be
asked during the interview? What is normally required of a successful candidate
for the position that you are applying for? There are a number of basic or
general questions that tend to crop up in almost all job interviews, including but
not limited to the following questions -

- What are your strengths, or what is your greatest strength?
- What are your weaknesses, or what is your greatest weakness?
- Why do you want this job position?
- What are some of your achievements to date? What has been your greatest
   achievement in your working history?
- Why are you the ideal candidate for this position? Why should we employ you
   rather than another candidate?
- If we were to call up your former employer or employers, what would they say
  about you?

Prepare and practice the answers to questions like these, and you will be able to
avoid this critical initial job interview mistake. You do not want to suddenly go
blank during the interview process, and this can easily be avoided simply by
preparing beforehand and figuring out the most effective answers in order to
appear both confidant and poised to the employer who is interviewing you.

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