Thursday, February 28, 2013

7 Tips to get viral traffic with Facebook

7 Tips to get viral traffic with Facebook.

By using Facebook effectively, you can easily start getting traffic virally if you know how to leverage this source of traffic.

Here are 7 Tips to Getting Traffic with Facebook Viral Marketing.

1. Get More Friends
Friends are the most important aspect in social networking as they are needed to make money! The more friends you have, the more visibility your business will have, which ultimately leads to more sales for you.

2. Get a Blog
Blogs are a great way to spread the word about your business. You can incorporate your blog into your Facebook account and add RSS feeds for your readers to follow up on. You can also comment on other blogs linking back to your site.

3. Use Your Picture Wherever You Can
Uploading your picture can get you a lot more views to your articles/comments than those without pictures. Spammers never take the time to upload a picture. Also, people like having a face with a name and it makes them trust you a lot more.

4. Have a Great Profile Page
If you are a big social networker, you will have a pimped out profile page. Link to all of your social network profiles and personal projects to gain maximum exposure. Promote your RSS feed from your blog on you profile page. Make it attractive with enough information to where it doesn't look boring!

5. Use the Notes and Events Features
Sending notes and events are great ways at gaining more exposure in your business. If your friends like it they may even pass them on to their friends. It's a win win for everyone!

6. Create Good Content
Content is king. If you are a good writer in a popular niche then you will have no problem succeeding in social networking sites like Facebook. People like great content and they will take the time to read it if it peeks their interests. Try to write articles that include lists, like "Top 10..." or "7 Reasons Why...".

7. Give Away Free Stuff
Everyone loves free stuff and your social networking friends will really love you for it! Give them a free ebook, or maybe an article you found online. It doesn't have to be big. Anything that is helpful and related to your niche will be greatly appreciated by your friends.

These are just 7 of the many ways that you can capitalize on the social networking craze. These sites aren't going anywhere and are only going to grow. Start marketing now so you can be ahead of the 90% of other marketers out there!

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Bobby Munar
Internet Entrepreneur
Cel. 09228244975

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