Saturday, January 12, 2013

# Critical Job Interview Mistake 02 - Arriving Too Early or Too Late

One of the most common mistakes that job seekers make going in to an interview, one that can easily compromise an entire interview is arriving at the wrong time. It is difficult to overcome this initial bad impression created eitherby arriving too late for the appointment, or by arriving far too early and forcing the interviewer to change their schedule in order to accommodate you. Luckily, there are a
couple of different techniques that you can employ in order to avoid
making this seriously costly mistake.
It is imperative that you arrive on time to your job interview appointment. You
do not necessarily have to arrive at the appointment time on the dot, but a few
minutes early is actually preferable. Make sure that you have working directions,
which may mean driving them to test the travel time before the actual day of the
interview. You may want to make a complete practice run to make sure that you
have the timing right. Make sure that your dry run is completed at the same
time as your interview, so you can gauge the traffic at that time during the day.

Make sure that you have all of the information that you need long beforehand so
that you are not scrambling at the last minute in preparation. For example, you
should write down the name of the person that you are supposed to ask for, so
that you can go directly to the right place once you arrive. You should also make
sure to bring all of the necessary documentation, which we will touch on later on
in this report - But the important consideration to make is that you should
gather all of your necessary documentation long beforehand so that you are not
scrambling at the last minute to print out resumes, or to gather references and
work samples to bring with you.

Arriving in a flustered rush is not a good way to show up to your interview. The
whole intention of a job interview is to prove that you are the right candidate for
a job, and if you prove your unreliability the first day that you meet the
interviewer, you will have difficulty proving otherwise.

Being too early for your initial job interview can be just as critical a mistake as
arriving late. If you arrive an hour early or more, you may be forcing the
interviewer to change their schedule in order to accommodate you, and that is
not a good way to get the interview started. If you want to impress the
interviewer by being prompt, aim for 10 to 15 minutes early rather than a whole
hour or more. By arriving fifteen minutes early, you have ample time to let the
interviewer be notified of your arrival without forcing them to accommodate you
long before the interview is set to begin.

When it comes to arriving at your job interview, the best thing that you can do is
arrive either right on time, or with ten or fifteen minutes to spare. Arriving late is
essentially asking to be dismissed. People who have turned up late for job
interviews have literally been turned away, because employers are not looking
for people who cannot prove their own selves to be dependable and trustworthy
from day one.

Your interview is your first impression to your prospective employer, and your
main intention should be to impress future employers in as many ways as you

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